Preliminary Time Schedule
MONDAY - April 7, 2025
- 14:00 - 19:00 | Exhibition Installation
- 16:00 - 19:00 | Registration
- 20:00 - 22:00 | Welcome Get-together Snack & Drink
TUESDAY - April 8, 2025
- 08:00 - 09:00 | Last Minute Registration
- 09:00 - 09:20 | Opening Ceremony | IIR Presentation
A1 -Cryogenics in Physics, Instrumentation and Labs
09:20 - 10:40 | I - Cryogenics in Particle Physics
0074 | Gahier Vanessa
Cryogenics for the High-Luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC) at CERN: Challenges towards installation and commissioning
0008 | Geynisman Michael
Lessons from commissioning of the cryogenic system for the Short-Baseline Neutrino Detector at Fermilab
0026 | Xiang Xu CANCELLED by AUTHORS
Functional tests of first-of-series (FOS) components for SUPER-FRS local cryogenic system of FAIR project
0038 | Aretio-Zárate Fernando
Mechanical design of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the full detector concept ALLEGRO in the FCC-ee collider
10:40 - 10:55 | Coffee Break
10:55 - 11:55 | II - Superconductivity and Magnets
0028 | Fischer Egbert
Performance of the superconducting magnets, produced and tested at the JINR for the SIS100 of FAIR
0018 | Boehm Friederike
Optimization Tool for Cryogenic Mixed-Refrigerant Cycles Applied on HTS and Hybrid LTS Current Leads
0016 | Arnsberg Jonas
Design and Optimization Studies of 10 kA Current Leads Cooled With a Single Cryogenic Mixed-Refrigerant Cycle
11:55 - 12:45 | III - Cryogenics for Quantum Technologies
0015 | Melhem Ziad | KEYNOTE TALK
Recent advances in Cryogenics for Quantum Technologies
0014 | Xu Changtong
A mixed refrigerant Joule-Thomson cryocooler for trapped-ion quantum chips
12:45 - 13:45 | Lunch
13:45 - 14:25 | IV - Cryogenics in Microscopy
0076 | Krzyzanek Vladislav
Cryogenic Electron Microscopy in Life Sciences and Soft Matter
0051 | Klyszejko Adriana L.
Enhanced cryogenic cooling for imaging of large samples by X-ray microscopy
14:25 - 15:25 | V - Cryocoolers
0036 | Khute Sahadasan
Development of a Low-Cost, High-Efficiency Beta-Type Stirling Cryocooler for LNG and Cryopreservation Applications
0052 | Klyszejko Adriana L.
Minimising the energy consumption of a gm cryocooler system by dynamically adjusting coldhead and compressor speed
0057 | Kroupa Martin
A reversed Brayton cycle application for laser amplifier cooling at ELI ERIC eric and its comparison with technology based on LN2
15:25 - 15:40 | Coffee Break
15:40 - 17:40 | VI - Cryostats & Thermal properties
0002 | Chandratre Omkar
Development and operation of liquid helium dewar for helium refrigeration-cum-liquefier plant at IPR.
0001 | Matveev Konstantin
Unsteady Modeling of Taconis Oscillations
0017 | Zeoli Morgane
Low-vibration cryogenic testbed for inertial sensor characterization
0004 | Han Sangmoo
Experimental Study for Improving Measurement Accuracy of Thermal Conductivity of Muli-Layer Insulation
0065 | Kuhn Moritz
Numerical simulation on thermal shrouds of a vacuum test chamber
0031 | Frolec Jiří
Thermal conductivity measurements of non-metalic samples at cryogenic temperatures
Commercial Presentation
WEDNESDAY - April 9, 2025
A2 -Liquefied Gases in Clean Fuel Industry and Applications
08:30 - 10:30 | VII - Hydrogen Liquefaction
0069 | Knoche Martin
Improved efficiency in hydrogen liquefaction with integrated precooled single mixed refrigerant
0044 | Byun Yuree
Comprehensive thermodynamic, techno-economic, and sensitivity analysis for efficiency optimization in hydrogen liquefaction
0039 | Kohut Vojtěch
The comparison of turboexpanders working with helium and hydrogen as a process medium for the cooling loop in the hydrogen liquefaction cycle
0068 | Knoche Martin
Fibre-optic temperature measurement in hydrogen liquefaction
0034 | Tappe Aike
Design, construction and comissioning of a hydrogen liquefaction plant in laboratory-scale for supplying small quantities of liquid hydrogen
0058 | Ćwik Jacek
Magnetocaloric properties of selected laves phases compounds and their promise for hydrogen liquefaction
10:30 - 10:45 | Coffee Break
10:45 - 12:05 | VIII - Liquid Hydrogen Storage and Transportation
0003 | Herzog Friedhelm
Production of “green” nitrogen with liquid hydrogen
0050 | Ustolin Federico
Modelling of the consequences of accident scenarios involving liquid hydrogen equipment
0033 | Gjennestad Magnus Aa.
Analysis of thermal stratification and global heat and mass balance in cryogenic storage tanks
0010 | Harwege Finn
Testing of vacuum insulation panels for liquid hydrogen storage tanks
12:05 - 13:05 | Lunch
13:05 - 14:45 | IX - Insulation of Cryogenics Storage Tanks
0062 | Heo Jin Young
Experimental study on emissivity measurement of mli reflector for the insulation enhancement of liquid hydrogen storage tank
0013 | Campari Alessandro
Thermo-Mechanical Assessment of a Novel Insulation Concept for Liquid Hydrogen Tanks
0070 | Hiemeyer Jochen
Performance of perlite vacuum insulation under atmospheric load at cryogenic temperature
0030 | Mukherjee Ritayan
Optimization of a Cryogenic Microsphere-based Variable Density Multilayer Insulation System for Vessel Leak Conditions
0007 | Eberwein Robert
Repeatable Testing of a Cryogenic Storage Tank With Variable Insulation Material in Fire Like Conditions
14:45 - 15:00 | Coffee Break
15:00 - 15:40 | X - Cryogenics of Cleaner Fuel Systems
0042 | Jeongwon Kim
Technical Analysis and Economic Evaluation of Commercial Technologies for Onboard Carbon Capture, Liquefaction and Storage
0032 | Milligan William
The deployment of a fleet of lng fuelling stations into the industrial internet of things
15:40 - 16:30 | XI - Rare Gases
0063 | Hrudka Bohdan
Refrigeration supply of gas mixtures separation processes
0067 | Will Julian
Solubility of hydrogen in liquid helium – project progress and orientational experiments
0073 | Louis Jurgen
Cast valve bodies: welding and material selection to prevent hydrogen embrittlement
Commercial Presentations
16:30 - 16:45 | PBS Velká Bíteš
16:45 - 17:00 | Vorbuchner GmbH & Co. KG
17:00 - 17:10 | Break
17:10 - 19:00 | Poster Session - see the list of poster contributions below
THURSDAY - April 10, 2025
C1 -Cryogenics in Biology, Medicine and Health
08:00 - 09:20 | XII - Cell Cryopreservation in Small Volumes
0005 | Miksche Ronald
Welded cryovials – a contribution to minimize contamination
0060 | da Silva Alisson
Thin film evaporation processes for cryopreservation of spermatozoa
0056 | Copetti Jacqueline Biancon
Cryopreservation of human spermatozoa by immersion in nitrogen slush (SN2) using PDMS chips
xxxx | TBA
09:20 - 09:25 | Short Break
09:25 - 10:25 | XIII - Cell Cryopreservation in Large Volumes
0046 | Fuller Barry
Cryopreservation at large scale : current and future perspectives for applied cryobiology
0012 | Arapetyan Emma
Cryopreservation of conifer genetic resources of the abies genus in Ukraine
0029 | Mericka Pavel
The need of long-term storage of cryopreserved autologous haematopoietic progenitor cell in treatment of multiple myeloma and indications for HPC graft disposal
10:25 - 10:40 | Coffee Break
10:40 - 12:40 | XIV - Cryopreservation of Tissues and Organs
0061 | Girard Mauricio
C. Elegans cryopreservation by vitrification
0040 | Ivannikova Valeria
Decellularization by Freezing-Thawing on Bovine and Porcine Pericardium
0053 | Encabo Laura
Non-equilibrium vitrification for the cryopreservation of vascular tissue
0054 | Alcala Enrique
Ultrasound rewarming of cryopreserved vessels
0025 | Mericka Pavel
The new european union substance of human origin (SOHO) regulation and necessary conditions of its implementation in the tissue establishment cryobank
0055 | Risco Ramon
Organ cryopreservation and ultrasound rewarming
12:40 - 13:40 | Lunch
13:40 - 15:20 | XV - Cryogenic Electron Microscopy
0064 | Urban Pavel
Cryogenic technologies for electron microscopy
0081 | Thomas Burg
0077 | Nebesářová Jana
Tricks of preparing hydrated preparations for cryo-SEM
0078 | Pinkas Dominik
Challenges of Cryogenic Work with Biological Samples in Electron Microscopy
0080 | Křepelka Pavel
High resolution Cryo-SEM of biological samples
15:20 - 15:35 | Coffee Break
15:35 - 16:15 | XVI - Cryotherapy
0041 | Serrano José R.
Experimental optimization of a reverse brayton cycle for cryotherapy applications
0045 | Saakyan Natalia
Thermophysical Prediction Model of Local Cryotherapy
16:15 - 16:25 | Break
16:25 - 16:45 | Closing Ceremony
16:55 - 17:55 | IIR Commission Members Meeting (on invitation)
19:30 - 22:30 | Conference Dinner
FRIDAY - April 11, 2025
from 9:00 | Technical Excursions - registration HERE
Poster Session | Wednesday 17:20 - 19:00
Commission A1
0019 | Besnard Anaïs
An overview of the latest developments on the Closed-Cycle Dilution Refrigerator for space applications
0020 | Mostytskyi Andrii
Closed cycle cryogenic system (cryomodule) with a cooling temperature of -150...-200С
0022 | Kumar Rahul
Salt pill design and optimisation for a Solid State refrigerator based on magnetocaloric effect.
0037 | Jo Hyun Chul
Status and issues of SCL2 cryogenic plant for raon heavy ion accelerator
0047 | Lorenzo-Hernandez Haroldo
Experimental characterization of material conductivities in astronomical instrumentation: focused study on AA 6082-T6, SS 316, and CU-OFHC
0048 | González-Carretero Eduardo David
Thermal jumps and conductance in cryogenic joint interfaces for astrophysical instrumentation
0049 | Kumar Abhishek
A feasibility study for the small superconducting synchronous machine using 2G HTS tape
0051 | Klyszejko Adriana L.
Enhanced cryogenic cooling for imaging of large samples by X-ray microscopy (a poster supporting the lecture)
0052 | Klyszejko Adriana L.
Minimising the energy consumption of a gm cryocooler system by dynamically adjusting coldhead and compressor speed (a poster supporting the lecture)
0059 | de Abreu Bárbara Francisco
A setup for the evaluation of thermal contact resistance using 2 heaters, 2 sensors method
0082 | Terroba Ramírez Felix
Thermal Expansion calculation using optical sensors (FBGS) in Cryogenic applications
0083 | Králík Tomáš
Simple cryogenic method for testing of electrical properties of copper and it alloys
0084 | Quirin Schneider
A Liquid-Free Test Setup to Investigate the Material Properties of Fiber Reinforced Composites at Cryogenic Temperatures
Commission A2
0006 | Patel Rakeshkumar
Design, architecture and testing of SCADA-based alarm monitoring system for the SST-1 cryogenic plant and distribution system
0009 | Im Sunghyuk
Development of a cryogenic liquid flowmeter calibration system using a gravimetric method
0027 | Park Inmyung
Experimental investigation on the valve boxes of superconducting linac 3 in RAON
0075 | Thibaut Dochy
Thermal Stratification with Real Gas State in Horizontal Dewar
0086 | Thomas Christopher Just
Concept and design of an lh2 tank test rig and its research potential at tud dresden university of technology
Commission C1
0021 | Mostytskyi Andrii
Autonomous cryosurgical unit for cryodestruction of oncological neoplasms at temperatures down to -180C
0023 | Čechová Katarína
Effect of cryopreservation with low concentrations of dimethyl sulfoxide on the morphology and ultrastructure of human keratinocytes
0024 | Osetsky Oleksandr
Combined cryosystems for general extreme human cryotherapy in the temperature range -120...-160°C
0064 | Urban Pavel
Cryogenic technologies for electron microscopy (a poster supporting the lecture)
0066 | Lee Cheonkyu
Design and Performance Analysis of a Nitrogen Condensation Heat Exchanger Utilizing a 150 W-Class Cryocooler for Biostorage Processes
0071 | Bobrova Olena
Cryopreservation of garlic basal plate tissues
0072 | JungGil Lee
Experimental Performance Investigation of a Solid Desiccant Dehumidification System Using Metal-Organic Frameworks for Improving Cryogenic Refrigerator Performance
0079 | Láznička Tomáš
Microfluidic Chip for High-Pressure Freezing of Biological Samples for Cryo-Fib-Sem and Raman Micro-Spectroscopy Analysis
0085 | Yurchuk Taisiia
Cryopreservation of Immature Bovine Cumulus-Oocyte Complexes Impairs in Vitro Maturation by Disrupting the Junctions between the Cells