By filling in and sending my personal datas ie. data as first name, family name, e-mail address, affiliation (incl. country), address, gender (hereinafter the “Personal Data”) into the registration form on the Cryogenics 2021 conference web page and by acceptance of this consent on the registration form
I, as the participant on the conference 17th Cryogenics 2023 hereby grant to the ICCEX s.r.o., with registered office at Notečská 561/16, Praha 8 (hereinafter referred as the "Controller"),
free and informed consent in accordance with Art. 5 Sec. 4 of the Act no. 101/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Personal Data and on Amendment to Some Acts (hereinafter the "Act"), with processing of my Personal Datafor purposes of the organization of the professional conferences organized by the Controller; based on this consent the Controller is also entitled to pass my Personel Data to the next organiser of the Cryogenics conference.
I declare that I have been duly and comprehensively informed by the Controller about my rights pursuant the Act, that:
The consent is granted for all of the information contained in the registration form collected and processed solely for purposes of processing registration and accommodation requirements for the IIR Cryogenics conferences and for sending commercial messages to the data subject via electronic means. This agreement should not exceed 5 years and can be cancelled at any time upon request. Summarized data from the registration form may be used by the organization for statistical purposes and for internal use.
Agreement is required in the registration form.