18th CRYOGENICS 2025

IIR International Conference

April 7-11, 2025

Instructions for Authors


Publication of Presentations on the Web Page

We kindly ask all presenting authors to send us their Power Point presentation after it has been presented.
This is of course not mandatory, but welcome for participants.
You can shorten the presentation for publication or leave it as you presented. This is entirely up to you.

!!! The authors who have decided not to publish a full paper in the conference proceedings are kindly requested to follow the instructions sent to them by e-mail on 22 February 2025. Thank  you!

These materials will be made available on the conference website, but not publicly—they will be accessible only to registered participants through a password-protected section.

Please use the form below.


Presentation submission

You should automatically receive a confirmation after your on-line uploading process. If not, your procedure has not been successful. Try it once again or contact the Conference office.

 1.Presenting author
 3.ID number of your contribution (same as the abstract ID)
 4.Upload your presentation in PDF format


 5.I agree that registered participants can be provided with my presentation (in PDF format).